Career Training Program

Products 205-216 of 248
Getting Technical with the Terminal
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-GTWT-0424 -

In this series, we are going to learn the basics of using the command-line interface. If you have ever been scared when the cursor shows up on a seemingly blank screen or wondered what the Terminal or cmd application can accomplish, then stay tuned to learn the basics and increase your productivity.

HTML5 Canvas Graphics and Animations
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-CGA5-0424 -

HTML5 Canvas elements bring art and animation to the browser. In this series, we explore the capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas element in conjunction with JavaScript. This includes simple "pen" drawings, image displaying, image manipulation, and animations. Knowing HTML5 Canvas provides a great way to start with in-browser games as well as expressing those artistic desires. Hope to see you there!

Intro to AngularJS
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INAJS-0424 -

In this series, Justin takes a look at AngularJS, a web framework that has been around for a while. He demonstrates the use of the basics of AngularJS as well as discusses preferred practices for creating application code as well as organizing code. Some of the topics that he discusses are: the use of controllers, what is $scope and how to eliminate the use of $scope, using the built-in directives to render lists, handle events, and dynamically style your application. If you are interested in...

Intro to Ansible
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INANS-0424 -

Administering and configuring infrastructure is a necessary but sometimes very difficult undertaking. Manual configuration of infrastructure is a full time job that takes away from other valuable activities that is prone to errors and difficulties in reproducing system state. Ansible allows one to create plans for managing infrastructure using an agentless (no outside system required) approach. During this show we will cover what Ansible is, how to set up Ansible, and use Ansible to create...

Intro to Docker
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INDKR-0424 -

Docker is a set of tools that provide a runtime for creating, managing and orchestrating containers. Docker provides the ability for developers, system admins, or hobbyists to provision a container that can be configured as similarly to a virtual machine without all of the resource intensity. This series introduces the usage of the Docker client to run containers, managing the Docker daemon, using Docker Machine for provisioning runtime environments for the Docker toolset, Docker Compose for...

Intro to Git
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INGIT-0424 -

Version control is a cryptic yet essential part of a software development team. Git is a distributed version control system that allows collaboration and management of large scale software products (as well as other types of projects). In this series, you will get started with Git. You will be shown how to create a repository, save changes in the repo, link to a remote server (GitHub), and finally a basic collaboration workflow. If you are just getting started in software development or you...

Intro to NodeJS
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INNJS-0424 -

NodeJS has brought JavaScript to the server as well as the desktop programming environments. With this escape from the browser, JavaScript provides the ability to leverage your understanding of JavaScript to create new and powerful applications. If you want to power up your understanding of JavaScript using the NodeJS platform then join us!

Intro to NumPy
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INNPY-0424 -

In this series, we cover the basics of using NumPy for basic data analysis. Some of the things that are covered are as follows: installing NumPy using the Anaconda Python distribution, creating NumPy arrays in a variety of ways, gathering information about large datasets such as the mean, median and standard deviation, as well as utilizing Jupyter Notebooks for exploration using NumPy. If you are looking to get started with NumPy then join us!

Intro to PHP
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INPHP-0424 -

When it comes to developing websites, one of the most popular languages is PHP. Over 80% of the websites that you regularly visit are created using PHP. With popular frameworks, such as WordPress and Laravel, continuing to gain popularity, now is a great time to begin learning this fast, flexible, and easy to learn language.

Intro to React
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INRCT-0424 -

In this series, Justin and John walk through the beginning of learning ReactJS. John focuses on the prerequisite knowledge such as features of the JavaScript language that you should be familiar with, usage of build tools such as Webpack to develop and produce builds, as well as the nuance features of React. Over the course of the series, John takes a simple, plain JavaScript application and shows how to construct that same application using React.

Intro to Redux
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INRDX-0424 -

Redux is the implementation of the Flux pattern which is best know as a proposal by Facebook for organizing complex web applications. However, getting started with Redux in the context of building complex applications can be a little intimidating. In this series, Redux architecture will be treated from the ground up, starting with a simple Node application that demonstrates the use of a single reducer, a simple store, and a basic set of operations using the store. As the series progresses, we...

Intro to Ruby on Rails
Price: $1,595.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-INROR-0424 -

Ruby on Rails is a web development framework built upon the Ruby programming language. This series covers the basics of Ruby on Rails including but not limited to: what is Ruby on Rails, getting the environment set up, creating a simple web application the Ruby on Rails way, and diving a little deeper into the methodology used in a Rails application. If you are looking to get started with Ruby on Rails, then we will see you there!