Our online CMA training course, offered by our accredited school partners, prepares students to sit for the NHA and CBCS, CMAA, and CEHRS national certification examinations.
Upon successful completion of this program, learners will display proficiency in the following areas:
• Administrative Medical Assistant responsibilities
• Office and patient communication techniques, appointment scheduling, and general office duties
• Ethical and legal issues, fraud abuse, and compliance
• Technology in healthcare
• Basic terminology used in medical offices
• Financial and practice management
• Professional fees, billing and collecting procedures, accounting systems, credit arrangements
• Health insurance coverage, and billing and coding procedures
• Medical records management, confidentiality of medical records, filing reports in medical records
• Legal procedures in court disclosure of medical records
Price: $3,995.00

    Students are given 12 months to complete the CMA training program, and additional time is available if needed. The Clinical Medical Administrator program is designed to prepare students to function as professionals in multiple healthcare settings. Medical administrators with a non-clinical background perform various administrative tasks including assisting with the administration of and preparation of patient records for billing and recording purposes. Job opportunities are prevalent with physician’s offices, clinics, chiropractor’s offices, hospitals and outpatient facilities. This CMA training program also includes the online study guide, for the CBCS, CMAA, and the CEHRS practice exams, and a voucher to pursue the National Health Career Associations (NHA) Billing and Coding Specialists, Medical Administrative Assistant Exam, and Certified Electronic Health Records Specialists Exam.

    The purpose of the Clinical Medical Administrator program is to prepare students to become health professionals capable of performing all the functions related to the administrative aspects of a medical office, including billing, coding, and electronic health records duties. This program covers the following key areas and topics:

    Gather/review essential patient information
    Verify required documentation before patient information is released
    Prevent fraud/abuse by auditing billing
    Assign codes for diagnoses and procedures
    Submit claims for reimbursement
    Coach healthcare providers to achieve optimal reimbursement
    Review and answer practice correspondence
    Operate computer systems to accomplish office tasks
    Answer calls, schedule appointments, greet patients and maintain files
    Update and maintain patient and other practice-specific information
    Coordinate operation reports such as time and attendance
    Audit patient records for compliance
    Abstract clinical information for reports
    Perform basic coding to submit reimbursement claims
    Process Release of Information (ROI) requests for medical records
    Review patient records to ensure completion and accuracy
    Collect patient demographic and insurance information

    Course Outline:
    Anatomy & Physiology:
    Lesson 1: Introduction to Body Structure and Organization
    Lesson 2: The Integumentary System
    Lesson 3: The Skeletal System
    Lesson 4: The Muscular System
    Lesson 5: The Nervous System and Special Senses
    Lesson 6: The Cardiovascular System
    Lesson 7: The Immune System
    Lesson 8: The Respiratory System
    Lesson 9: The Digestive System
    Lesson 10: The Urinary System
    Lesson 11: The Endocrine System
    Lesson 12: The Reproductive Systems

    Medical Terminology:
    The structure of medical terms
    The differences between prefix and suffix
    Testing and radiology using medical terminology
    The different body systems in relation to medical terminology

    Medical Billing and Coding (with ICD-10):
    Lesson 1: Reimbursement, HIPAA, and Compliance
    Lesson 2: ICD-10-CM Guidelines: An Overview
    Lesson 3: ICD-10-CM: Organization and Rules
    Lesson 4: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 1
    Lesson 5: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 2
    Lesson 6: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 3
    Lesson 7: Introduction to the CPT and Level II National Code (HCPCS)
    Lesson 8: CPT Modifiers
    Lesson 9: CPT Coding: Evaluation and Management Services
    Lesson 10: CPT Coding: Anesthesia Services
    Lesson 11: CPT Coding: Surgery
    Lesson 12: CPT Coding: Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Procedures
    Lesson 13: CPT Coding: Respiratory System Procedures
    Lesson 14: CPT Coding: Cardiovascular System Procedures
    Lesson 15: CPT Coding: Hemic, Lymphatic, Mediastinum, and Diaphragm Procedures
    Lesson 16: CPT Coding: Digestive System Procedures
    Lesson 17: CPT Coding: Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems Procedures
    Lesson 18: CPT Coding: Female Reproductive System, Maternity Care, and Delivery Procedures
    Lesson 19: CPT Coding: Endocrine and Nervous System Procedures
    Lesson 20: CPT Coding: Eye and Ocular Adnexa, Auditory System, and Microscope Procedures
    Lesson 21: CPT Coding: Radiology Procedures
    Lesson 22: CPT Coding: Pathology and Laboratory Procedures
    Lesson 23: CPT Coding: Medicine Procedures
    Lesson 24: Inpatient Coding

    Administrative Medical Assistant:
    Lesson 1: Becoming a Successful Student
    Lesson 2: The History of Medicine and Healthcare
    Lesson 3: Medical Assisting Today
    Lesson 4: The Medical Assisting Career: Roles and Responsibilities
    Lesson 5: Medical Law and Ethics
    Lesson 6: Interpersonal Communication
    Lesson 7: Written Communication
    Lesson 8: Telephone Procedures
    Lesson 9: Front Desk Reception
    Lesson 10: Patient Scheduling
    Lesson 11: Medical Records Management
    Lesson 12: Electronic Medical Records
    Lesson 13: Computers in the Medical Office
    Lesson 14: Equipment, Maintenance, and Supply Inventory
    Lesson 15: Office Policies and Procedures
    Lesson 16: Handling Emergencies in the Medical Office
    Lesson 17: Insurance Billing and Authorizations
    Lesson 18: Basics of Diagnostic Coding
    Lesson 19: Basics of Procedural Coding
    Lesson 20: Billing, Collections, and Credit
    Lesson 21: Payroll, Accounts Payable, and Banking Procedures
    Lesson 22: Managing the Medical Office
    Lesson 23: Competing in the Job Market

    Electronic Health Records Management:
    Lesson 1: Healthcare Facilities and Professionals
    Lesson 2: Accreditation, Regulation, and HIPAA
    Lesson 3: Fundamentals of Information Systems and Healthcare Records
    Lesson 4: Comparison of Paper and Electronic Records
    Lesson 5: Additional Health Information System
    Lesson 6: Healthcare Coding and Reimbursement
    Lesson 7: Healthcare Transactions and Billing
    Lesson 8: Statistics, Research, and Quality Management
    Lesson 9: Electronic Health Records: An Overview
    Lesson 10: Functional EHR Systems
    Lesson 11: Basics of Medical Record Software
    Lesson 12: Data Entry at the Point of Care
    Lesson 13: Electronic Orders
    Lesson 14: Problem Lists, Results Management, and Trending
    Lesson 15: Data Entry Using Flow Sheets and Anatomical Drawings
    Lesson 16: Using the EHR to Improve Patient Health
    Lesson 17: Privacy and Security of Health Records
    Lesson 18: Using the Internet to Expedite Patient Care
    Lesson 19: EHR Coding and Reimbursement

    Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
    Module 1: Medical Terminology
    • Word Structure
    • Prefix, Root Word, and Suffix
    • Organization of the Body
    • Diagnostic Testing and Radiology

    Module 2: Anatomy & Physiology
    • Anatomy and Physiology Basics
    • Musculoskeletal, Integumentary, and Respiratory Systems
    • Digestive, Reproductive, and Urinary Systems
    • Blood and the Cardiovascular System
    • Lymphatic, Immune, and Endocrine Systems
    • Nervous and Sensory Systems

    Module 3: Medical Administrative Assistant
    • The History Of Medicine And Healthcare
    • Medical Assisting Today
    • Medical Law And Ethics
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • Written Communication
    • Telephone Procedures
    • Front Desk Reception
    • Patient Scheduling
    • Medical Records Management
    • Electronic Medical Records
    • Computers In The Medical Office
    • Equipment, Maintenance, And Supply Inventory
    • Office Policies And Procedures
    • Handling Emergencies In The Medical Office
    • Payroll, Accounts Payable, And Banking Procedures
    • Managing The Medical Office
    • Competing In The Job Market

    Module 4: Electronic Health Records
    • Healthcare Information and Systems
    • Administrative Medical Assisting
    • An Introduction to Medical Record Software
    • Using Medical Record Software
    • Using the EHR

    Module 5: Medical Coding: CPT
    • Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory Systems
    • Cardiovascular, Digestive, Endocrine, Nervous Systems
    • Anesthesia, Pathology, Radiology
    • Evaluation Management, Medicine, HCPCS Modifiers

    Module 6: Medical Coding: ICD-10
    • Structure
    • General Guidelines
    • Chapter Guidelines Part I
    • Chapter Guidelines Part II
    • Practice Scenarios

    Module 7: Medical Billing and Reimbursement
    • Billing and Reimbursement
    • Health Insurance Basics
    • Claims
    • Accounts, Collections, and Banking

    Course Outline:
    Anatomy & Physiology:
    Lesson 1: Introduction to Body Structure and Organization
    Lesson 2: The Integumentary System
    Lesson 3: The Skeletal System
    Lesson 4: The Muscular System
    Lesson 5: The Nervous System and Special Senses
    Lesson 6: The Cardiovascular System
    Lesson 7: The Immune System
    Lesson 8: The Respiratory System
    Lesson 9: The Digestive System
    Lesson 10: The Urinary System
    Lesson 11: The Endocrine System
    Lesson 12: The Reproductive Systems

    Medical Terminology:
    The structure of medical terms
    The differences between prefix and suffix
    Testing and radiology using medical terminology
    The different body systems in relation to medical terminology

    Medical Billing and Coding (with ICD-10):
    Lesson 1: Reimbursement, HIPAA, and Compliance
    Lesson 2: ICD-10-CM Guidelines: An Overview
    Lesson 3: ICD-10-CM: Organization and Rules
    Lesson 4: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 1
    Lesson 5: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 2
    Lesson 6: ICD-10-CM: Coding Guidelines Part 3
    Lesson 7: Introduction to the CPT and Level II National Code (HCPCS)
    Lesson 8: CPT Modifiers
    Lesson 9: CPT Coding: Evaluation and Management Services
    Lesson 10: CPT Coding: Anesthesia Services
    Lesson 11: CPT Coding: Surgery
    Lesson 12: CPT Coding: Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Procedures
    Lesson 13: CPT Coding: Respiratory System Procedures
    Lesson 14: CPT Coding: Cardiovascular System Procedures
    Lesson 15: CPT Coding: Hemic, Lymphatic, Mediastinum, and Diaphragm Procedures
    Lesson 16: CPT Coding: Digestive System Procedures
    Lesson 17: CPT Coding: Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems Procedures
    Lesson 18: CPT Coding: Female Reproductive System, Maternity Care, and Delivery Procedures
    Lesson 19: CPT Coding: Endocrine and Nervous System Procedures
    Lesson 20: CPT Coding: Eye and Ocular Adnexa, Auditory System, and Microscope Procedures
    Lesson 21: CPT Coding: Radiology Procedures
    Lesson 22: CPT Coding: Pathology and Laboratory Procedures
    Lesson 23: CPT Coding: Medicine Procedures
    Lesson 24: Inpatient Coding

    Administrative Medical Assistant:
    Lesson 1: Becoming a Successful Student
    Lesson 2: The History of Medicine and Healthcare
    Lesson 3: Medical Assisting Today
    Lesson 4: The Medical Assisting Career: Roles and Responsibilities
    Lesson 5: Medical Law and Ethics
    Lesson 6: Interpersonal Communication
    Lesson 7: Written Communication
    Lesson 8: Telephone Procedures
    Lesson 9: Front Desk Reception
    Lesson 10: Patient Scheduling
    Lesson 11: Medical Records Management
    Lesson 12: Electronic Medical Records
    Lesson 13: Computers in the Medical Office
    Lesson 14: Equipment, Maintenance, and Supply Inventory
    Lesson 15: Office Policies and Procedures
    Lesson 16: Handling Emergencies in the Medical Office
    Lesson 17: Insurance Billing and Authorizations
    Lesson 18: Basics of Diagnostic Coding
    Lesson 19: Basics of Procedural Coding
    Lesson 20: Billing, Collections, and Credit
    Lesson 21: Payroll, Accounts Payable, and Banking Procedures
    Lesson 22: Managing the Medical Office
    Lesson 23: Competing in the Job Market

    Electronic Health Records Management:
    Lesson 1: Healthcare Facilities and Professionals
    Lesson 2: Accreditation, Regulation, and HIPAA
    Lesson 3: Fundamentals of Information Systems and Healthcare Records
    Lesson 4: Comparison of Paper and Electronic Records
    Lesson 5: Additional Health Information System
    Lesson 6: Healthcare Coding and Reimbursement
    Lesson 7: Healthcare Transactions and Billing
    Lesson 8: Statistics, Research, and Quality Management
    Lesson 9: Electronic Health Records: An Overview
    Lesson 10: Functional EHR Systems
    Lesson 11: Basics of Medical Record Software
    Lesson 12: Data Entry at the Point of Care
    Lesson 13: Electronic Orders
    Lesson 14: Problem Lists, Results Management, and Trending
    Lesson 15: Data Entry Using Flow Sheets and Anatomical Drawings
    Lesson 16: Using the EHR to Improve Patient Health
    Lesson 17: Privacy and Security of Health Records
    Lesson 18: Using the Internet to Expedite Patient Care
    Lesson 19: EHR Coding and Reimbursement
    All required reference materials are provided with this program. Technical requirements:

    Internet Connection
    • Broadband or High-Speed (DSL, Cable, Wireless)
    Hardware Requirements
    • Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
    • Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

    Software Requirements
    • Operating Systems - Windows 7, 8 or 10; Mac OS x 10 or higher
    • Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
    • Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
    • Adobe PDF Reader
    Upon successful completion of this program students will be prepared to sit for the National Health Career Association (NHA) national certification examinations for a Billing and Coding Specialists (CBCS), Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA), and Certified Electronic Health Records Specialists (CEHRS).
    Each state may have additional licensing requirements, be sure to research your states requirements for employment by visiting your states occupation board.
    This class is an independent-study course. Students will have all the resources needed to successfully complete the course within the online material. A student helpdesk is available for technical support during the course enrollment.

    Product Type:
    Course Type:
    Career Training Program
    12 months
    Avg Completion:
    6 Months

      Get the support you need, when you need it

        • Our admissions advisors will help you identify career paths, accredited colleges, and funding solutions
        • Customer & Technical Support is available throughout your course experience via Live Chat, Phone, Email, and Text
        • Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8-5pm CT

      Stay on track to reach your completion goal

        • Scheduling and Time Management assistance tailored just for you
        • Active reminder notifications about important deadlines in your class
        • Join giveaway raffles for achieving course milestones

      Become Job-Ready: Career Training Programs ONLY

        • Take advantage of real-world experience outside of the classroom with an employer-based externship program
        • Work with a career counselor to schedule your certification exam (if applicable)
        • Complete an employer-ready resume with a career coach
        • Participate in live mock interviews and job guidance sessions

      Clinical Medical Administrator FAQs

      How do I request more information about a course?

      What is the difference between online courses and classroom courses?

      I'm not sure if I will be able to successfully take on online course, what should I do?

      Do I need a degree or high school diploma to take an online course?

      What do I need to take an online course?

      What format will my online course be in?

      Do I have to be local to take a course?

      Do you offer or accept any financial assistance options?

      What does the course duration mean?

      What does a Certification Voucher Included mean?

      When will I start my course?

      What type of support will I receive during my course?

      Who do I contact if I cannot access my course?

      When will I receive my course materials?

      Who do I contact if I need an extension?

      What do I receive when I complete my course?

      Will I receive any job search assistance or externship opportunity after I finish my course?