In the ever-growing healthcare industry, qualified Clinical Medical Assistants are some of the most highly sought after prospective employees. Assistants trained in Mental Health practice in particular are highly desired due to their expertise in working with women in the various stages of pregnancies. Any individual who becomes a highly trained Mental Health Medical Assistant has a distinct advantage in the competitive healthcare job market, and is ready to flourish in a variety of healthcare environments including Mental Health offices and clinics, hospitals, and outpatient/ambulatory care facilities.
Students who complete the Certified Medical Assistant with Mental Health Specialization course will develop mastery over the three most crucial medical skill sets necessary for any successful Mental Health assistant: (1) Clinical Medical Assisting, including patient preparation for examination, sample collection, patient instruction, and medicine administration; (2) Phlebotomy, or the practice of performing bloodwork tests, and (3) Electrocardiogram Proficiency, including the use of specialized equipment to measure and monitor heart conditions. Students will also have the opportunity to conduct a specialized clinical externship at a local healthcare provider, if desired. Students who complete the course will be given an exam voucher for the National Healthcareer Association's Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Certification.
Incluido en este programa son los siguientes libros de texto:
• Clinical Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practice
• EKG Technician Program Standard, Custom Edition Package - Book package includes EKG Technician Program PowerPoint Slides
• EKG Technician Program Standard Student Workbook
• EKG Technician Program Advanced, Custom Edition Package - Book package includes EKG Technician Program: Advanced PowerPoint Slides
• Phlebotomy Handbook: Blood Specimen Collection From Basic to Advanced, 8e
•Phlebotomy Technician Program Student Workbook, Custom Edition
Módulo 1: Fundamentos de Computación
Módulo 2: Word 2016
Módulo 3: PowerPoint 2016
Módulo 4: Outlook 2016
Módulo 5: Excel 2016
Módulo 6: Responsabilidades administrativas
• El historial médico
• Recepción y operaciones diarias
Módulo 7: Facturación y reembolso
• Facturación y reembolso
• Conceptos básicos sobre seguros médicos
• Reclamación (es
• Cuentas, cobros y banca
Módulo 8: Procedimientos clínicos básicos
• Signos vitales
• Examen físico
• Ayuda con cirugías menores
Módulo 9: Procedimientos clínicos avanzados
• Asesoramiento al paciente con promoción de la salud
• Asesoramiento al paciente con nutrición
• Conceptos básicos de farmacología
• Administración de medicamentos
• Procedimientos cardiopulmonares
• Emergencias Médicas
Módulo 10: Sistema cardiovascular
• Estructura del corazón
• Circulación sanguínea
• Sistema de conducción del corazón
• Terminología de EKG
• Ondas y segmentos de EKG
• Intervalos de ECG
Módulo 11: Suministros y equipos de EKG
• Papel térmico de electrocardiograma
• Electrodos
• Configuración y calibración del electrocardiógrafo
• Plomos biopolares
• Leads aumentados
• Cables de pecho
Módulo 12: Procedimiento EKG
• Preparación del paciente
• Aplicación de electrodos y cables conductores
• Ejecución del seguimiento de EKG
• Solución de problemas de artefactos
• Evaluación de un trazado de ECG
• Identificación de un ritmo anormal
• Terminando el EKG
Módulo 13: Prueba de EKG
• Prueba de esfuerzo con ejercicio
• Prueba de esfuerzo nuclear
• Monitor Holter
• Registrador de eventos cardíacos
• Grabador de bucle implantable
• Monitoreo transtelefónico
• Monitores de electrocardiograma portátiles de mano
Módulo 14: Equipo de venopunción y seguridad
• Equipo de protección personal
• Torniquetes
• Antisépticos
• Tubos de recolección evacuados
• Seguimiento del pinchazo de la aguja después de la exposición
Módulo 15: venopunción
• Preparación del paciente
• Preparación de la venopunción
• Realización de venopunción
• Completar la venopunción
• Complicaciones con la venopunción
Módulo 16: Punción capilar
• Equipo
• Selección del sitio
• Preparación del paciente
• Recolección de la muestra
Módulo 17: Manipulación de muestras
• Cadena de custodia
• Manipulación de muestras de punción capilar
Módulo 18: Salud Mental
Incluido con este programa, los estudiantes reciben cupones de examen para las siguientes certificaciones nacionales de National Healthcareer Association (NHA)
Examen de certificación nacional Certified Medical Assistant (CCMA)
Examen de certificación de técnico certificado en flebotomía (CPT)
Examen de certificación de técnico de EKG certificado (CET).
Cada estado puede tener requisitos de licencia adicionales, asegúrese de investigar los requisitos de empleo de sus estados visitando la junta de ocupación de su estado.
This class is an independent-study course. Students will have all the resources needed to successfully complete the course within the online material. A student helpdesk is available for technical support during the course enrollment.
Asistente Médico Clínico: Especialización en Salud Mental FAQs
To request more information, you can contact us via online chat, our website contact
form, or toll free at
Online courses are accessible 24/7/365 and self-paced, allowing you to progress at your own pace on your own schedule. They can be taken from anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home. Classroom courses have a set schedule of the days and times the courses will be held, and you must attend during those specific times.
Find out if online learning is right for you by contacting our team of registration advisers. Our team is available to answer any of your questions about taking an online course before you commit to enrolling. We will walk you through what to expect to ensure you are making the right decision. You can contact a registration adviser today via online chat, our website contact
form, or toll free at
No, you are not required to have a diploma or higher education degree to enroll in an online course. However, some occupations may require minimum educational thresholds for employment or certification. For more information on your desired career requirements, please contact us via online chat, our website contact
form, or toll free at
To take an online course, you will need to have access to an internet connection and an internet ready device such as a laptop, PC, or tablet. For course specific requirements, please visit the course page or contact a registration adviser today.
Our courses are developed with multiple formats including text, audio, video, and interactivity. Our courses also include multiple resources and tools which can include flashcards, games, activities, and more.
No, you can take the online courses from anywhere in the world.
We participate in several financial assistance options including third party funding, both military and non-military. To request more information on the financial assistance options available and check your eligibility, contact us via online chat, our website contact
form, or toll free at
Duration is the amount of time you will receive access to your course. Durations vary by course and range between 1 month and 12 months. If you complete your course before your duration ends you will continue to have access to your course until the duration period ends.
Many of our career training programs include certification vouchers. This means that at the successful completion of your course, at no additional charge, you will receive an exam voucher for the corresponding industry certification. This voucher will allow you to register and sit for the appropriate certification exam to obtain your industry credential.
Our online courses are open enrollment, so you can start immediately. If you are using any third-party funding to cover your course tuition, your start date may be a future date determined by your funding program.
Once enrolled, you will be assigned a client adviser who will provide you with customer and technical support. Your client adviser will supply you with your course access information, any needed materials, and be available to answer any questions you have during your training experience. They will regularly check-in with you to monitor your progress and assist you with staying on track. You will also be assigned to a course mentor who will provide curriculum support throughout your training. Your mentor is available to answer any questions you have on your course curriculum, will monitor your progress and understanding of the curriculum, and may give assignments or quizzes.
If you experience any trouble accessing your course including technical issues or lost login credentials, please contact your client adviser at
We strive to provide a fully online experience for students however some of our training courses include physical materials or equipment. Courses that have materials shipped directly to students will be shipped within 7 business days of registration. Some training courses have material for different sections and these courses may require multiple shipments as you completed stages of your course.
Our goal for students is to successfully complete their training course and achieve their career goals. We understand that extenuating circumstances can interfere with your ability to complete your course in the duration given. Because of this we have free or low-cost extensions available for our courses upon request. To discuss or request an extension please contact your client adviser at
Upon successful completion of your course and fulfillment of any outstanding financial obligations, you will receive your certificate of completion. Certificates are provided to you within 30 days of completion. Your certificate will validate the training course you completed with a stamp of completion.
Students that successfully complete our career training programs are assigned a career development adviser who will coordinate placement at a local externship or hands on opportunity. These opportunities are optional and may vary based on availability and occupation. Your career development adviser will also provide job search services such as: resume building, mock interviews, job opportunity resources, and more. Our professional enrichment courses do not come with a career adviser or career services.