Mandatory Courses
Workplace Math
This 20-hour course is for you if you need a refresher on basic math, and it can be waived if you demonstrate math fluency. It takes away any anxiety you might feel towards math. In small and simple steps, we review how to work with whole and decimal numbers, fractions, percentages, unit conversions, and solve simple tech-related math problems. After completing this course, you are ready to pass the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math exam.
Data Literacy
In this 40-hour course, you become proficient with spreadsheets. You learn how to organize, format, and manipulate data, use formulas and functions, perform calculations, use Boolean logic and conditionals, work with conditional aggregate functions, wildcards, and arrays, work with date and time values, use info functions, and interpret errors. You learn how to process text data, perform basic data lookups, import data from external sources, clean data, and prepare it for analytics. After completing this course, you are ready to pass the TOSA Basic Level exam.
Computational Literacy 1
In this 40-hour course, you learn how computers think, how they operate, and how they can be used to solve problems. You learn how to design algorithms and type code, identify repeating patterns, and use loops to repeat actions. Upon completing the program, you have acquired the mindset and skills needed to successfully deal with automation and intelligent machines. After completing this course, you are also ready to pass the ACT WorkKeys Workplace Documents exam.
Spatial Literacy
Spatial literacy, often referred to as spatial thinking or spatial reasoning, is the ability to understand and reason about spatial relationships in both two and three dimensions. In this hands-on course, you review basic geometry concepts including 2D and 3D shapes, translations (vectors) and rotations (angles), and then you actively build numerous 3D models. The models are built by typing simple commands, in a similar way that you program a robot or a machine. By doing this, you practice coding, attention to detail, and perseverance which are critical automation-related skills. A good understanding of the 3D space is desirable in many Industry 4.0 related careers including robotics, manufacturing, construction, logistics, healthcare, and others. Finally, the Spatial Literacy course exposes you to 3D printing and you are provided a printed 3D object that you created during your Spatial Literacy capstone.
Elective Courses
Data Visualization
In this 20-hour course, you learn fundamental data concepts and how to use spreadsheets to visualize both quantitative (numeric) and qualitative (categorical) data. You review basic statistics concepts and are introduced to data analytics. After completing this course, you are ready to pass the TOSA Advanced Level exam and the ACT WorkKeys Graphic Literacy exam. Prerequisites: Data Literacy.
Computational Literacy 2
This 40-hour course is designed for you if you’ve enjoyed Computational Literacy 1 and are interested in learning more programming. You learn about Boolean logic, conditional statements, conditional loops, how to define custom commands and functions, and how to break complex problems into simpler ones. Prerequisites: Computational Literacy 1
Reading Blueprints
In this 20-hour course, you learn how to read, understand, and interpret blueprints. These are technical drawings used in manufacturing, engineering, construction, interior design, architecture, and many other areas. The course covers various types of blueprints, the structure of a blueprint, and then it goes in detail over all important components of a blueprint. Being able to read blueprints opens the doors for you to many exciting career opportunities.
Introduction to CNC
This 20-hour course provides an introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC). This is a modern manufacturing method that automates the control, movement, and precision of machine tools through the use of G-code and preprogrammed software tools.
Introduction to AI
This 20-hour course provides an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI). It offers a foundational exploration of artificial intelligence and equips trainees with the skills needed to engage with AI technologies thoughtfully and innovatively. By the end of the course, trainees have a solid grasp of how AI works, its potential applications across various industries, and the critical considerations necessary for responsible AI development and deployment.
Price: $3,795.00

    This training program provides you must-have technical and soft skills to thrive in the 21st century workplace. The 160-hour training can be completed in as little as 2 months.

    There are no lectures or exams. You learn at your own pace, by completing practical mini projects and solving problems rather than by answering quiz questions.

    Mandatory courses include Workplace Math, Data Literacy, Computational Literacy 1, and Spatial Literacy. Electives include Data Visualization, Computational Literacy 2, Introduction to AI, Reading Blueprints, and Introduction to CNC.

    By working with your personal coach and the support team, you also acquire essential soft skills that include problem solving, attention to detail, critical and logical thinking, professional communication, time management, perseverance, and adaptability.

    The training is self paced and works well with your family and work responsibilities. You have a personal coach to help you stay on track, and a dedicated support team to assist you throughout your training.

    Upon completing the program, you will have shown that you are able to learn and apply new knowledge that your new job will require and you will have acquired the automation technical and soft skills needed to be a very effective employee. You will also be ready to pass widely recognized certifications including the ACT Work keys NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate) and TOSA spreadsheet certificate.
    Workplace Math
    Data Literacy
    Computational Literacy I
    Spatial Literacy I
    Data Visualization
    Computational Literacy II
    Spatial Literacy II
    Reading Blueprints
    Introduction to CNC
    Introduction to AI
    All required reference materials are provided with this program. Technical requirements:

    Internet Connection
    • Broadband or High-Speed (DSL, Cable, Wireless)
    Hardware Requirements
    • Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
    • Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended

    Software Requirements
    • Operating Systems - Windows 7, 8 or 10; Mac OS x 10 or higher
    • Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
    • Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
    • Adobe PDF Reader
    During your training, your personally-assigned coach helps develop your soft skills that include, among others, problem solving, attention to detail, critical and logical thinking, perseverance, professional communication, time management, and adaptability because employers place major value on soft skills, along with hard skills. Your coach also works with you to present your portfolio and do job interviews that can begin while your training is progressing. As a result, many of our trainees have a job when they graduate.

    Product Type:
    Course Type:
    Career Training Program
    12 months
    Avg Completion:
    2 Months

      Get the support you need, when you need it

        • Our admissions advisors will help you identify career paths, accredited colleges, and funding solutions
        • Customer & Technical Support is available throughout your course experience via Live Chat, Phone, Email, and Text
        • Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8-5pm CT

      Stay on track to reach your completion goal

        • Scheduling and Time Management assistance tailored just for you
        • Active reminder notifications about important deadlines in your class
        • Join giveaway raffles for achieving course milestones

      Become Job-Ready: Career Training Programs ONLY

        • Take advantage of real-world experience outside of the classroom with an employer-based externship program
        • Work with a career counselor to schedule your certification exam (if applicable)
        • Complete an employer-ready resume with a career coach
        • Participate in live mock interviews and job guidance sessions

      Automation Technician FAQs

      How do I request more information about a course?

      What is the difference between online courses and classroom courses?

      I'm not sure if I will be able to successfully take on online course, what should I do?

      Do I need a degree or high school diploma to take an online course?

      What do I need to take an online course?

      What format will my online course be in?

      Do I have to be local to take a course?

      Do you offer or accept any financial assistance options?

      What does the course duration mean?

      What does a Certification Voucher Included mean?

      When will I start my course?

      What type of support will I receive during my course?

      Who do I contact if I cannot access my course?

      When will I receive my course materials?

      Who do I contact if I need an extension?

      What do I receive when I complete my course?

      Will I receive any job search assistance or externship opportunity after I finish my course?