Price: $2,695.00

    Medical Transcription is an “In Demand” profession. You can start an exciting new career with this Medical Transcription online training program. This Medical Transcription course, offered by our accredited school partners, creates a simulation approach to medical transcription that will give you a working knowledge of the medical reports most commonly used in both inpatient and outpatient care settings. You will transcribe 100s of real medical reports. The course is organized by body systems and includes full color anatomy and physiology illustrations. You'll also learn the proper formatting, grammar, and style in accordance with AHDI. Transcription reports include: history and physical examinations; consults; operative, pathology, and radiology reports; SOAP notes; and death and discharge summaries. Your transcription materials and equipment are all included.

    After completing this course, you should be able to:

    • Type quickly and effectively
    • Identify the core elements of medical transcription
    • Identify the steps to transcribe medical reports
    • Identify the steps to transcribe HPIP & SOAP Notes
    • Comprehend the regulations included in HIPAA

    Prerequisite: Medical Terminology

    Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
    Medical Transcription Module 1
    Typing Practice & Improvement
    • Pre-Test Your Typing Ability
    • Finger Positioning Exercises
    • Typing Practice Games
    • Typing Progress Tracking
    • Improve Your Typing Skills
    • Increase Your Typing Speed

    Medical Transcription Module 2
    Medical Transcription: The Basics
    • Transcribing Medical Reports
    • Medical Transcriptionist Job Description
    • Code of Ethics
    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    • Association for Healthcare documentation Integrity (AHDI)
    • Understanding Medical Records
    • History and Physical examination (H&P)
    • Diagnostic Imaging or Radiology Report
    • Operative Report (OP)
    • Pathology Report (Path)
    • Consultation Report (Consult)
    • Discharge Summary
    • Death Summary
    • HPIP & SOAP Notes
    • Autopsy Report
    • Outpatient Reports
    • Transcription Rules
    • Capitalization, Numbers and Punctuation
    • Metric Measurements
    • Unusual Words & Vocabulary Tips
    • Report Formatting Guidelines

    Medical Transcription Module 3
    Case Study Report Transcription – Part 1
    Case Study 1: Reproductive System
    • Emergency Services Admission Report
    • Diagnostic Imaging Report
    • Operative Report
    • Pathology Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 2: Gastrointestinal System
    • Emergency Services Admission Report
    • Diagnostic Imaging CT Scan
    • Operative Report
    • Pathology Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 3: Cardiopulmonary System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Operative Report
    • Diagnostic Imaging Reports
    • Death Summary

    Case Study 4: Integumentary System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Radiology Report
    • Consultation
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 5: Psychology / Neurology System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Consultation
    • Diagnostic Imaging Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Medical Transcription Module 4
    Case Study Report Transcription – Part 2
    Case Study 6: Nervous System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Radiology Reports
    • Operative Report
    • Pathology Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 7: Orthopedics / Endocrine Systems
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Consultation
    • Diagnostic Imaging Report
    • Operative Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 8: Vascular / Renal Systems
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Consultation
    • Diagnostic Imaging Reports
    • Operative Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 9: Musculoskeletal System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Diagnostic Imaging Reports
    • Operative Report
    • Pathology Report
    • Discharge Summary

    Case Study 10: Respiratory System
    • History and Physical Examination
    • Operative Report
    • Radiology Reports
    • Consultation
    • Discharge Summary

    Medical Transcription Module 5
    Outpatient Transcriptions Report Practice – Part 1
    • Cardiology Consult
    • Echocardiogram Consult
    • Genitourinary Operative Procedure
    • Orthopedics Operative Report
    • Surgical Pathology Report
    • Emergency Department Treatment Record
    • Interventional Radiology Report
    • Spine Clinic HPIP Note
    • Radiology Report
    • Vascular Surgery Clinic SOAP Note
    • Orthopedics Surgical Procedure
    • Plastic Surgery Operative Report
    • Colonoscopy Procedure Note

    Medical Transcription Module 6
    Outpatient Transcriptions Report Practice – Part 2
    • Internal Medicine Clinic HPIP Note
    • Neurosurgery Operative Report
    • Urology Operative Report
    • Radiology Report
    • Pediatric Neurology Clinic Note
    • Obstetrics Operative Report
    • Orthopedics Operative Report
    • Vascular Surgery Clinic Note
    • Pediatric Dental Operative Report
    • Orthopedics Operative Report
    • Orthopedics Consult
    • Psychological / Intellectual Evaluation
    • Correspondence and Cardiology Consult

    Medical Transcription Module 7
    Putting It All Together
    • Proofreading Practice
    • Proofreader’s Marks
    • Challenging Medical Words, Phrases, & Prefixes
    • Sample Patient History Form
    • The Lund-Browder Chart
    • Laboratory Test Information
    • A Healthcare Controlled Vocabulary
    • Common Dictation Errors
    • The Joint Commission’s Official “Do Not Use List”

    Medical Transcription Module 8
    Medical Reports Transcription Practice
    • Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic
    • Orthopedic Clinic
    • Colorectal Surgery consult
    • Emergency Department Treatment Record
    • Pediatrics Consultation
    • Vascular Surgery Followup Note
    • Internal Medicine Clinic Note
    • Rehabilitation Consultation
    • Hematology / Oncology Bone Marrow Transplant Note
    • Clinic Outpatient Progress Note

    Medical Transcription Module 9
    Radiology Reports Transcription Practice
    • CT Brain Scan
    • Bilateral Low-Dose Mammograms
    • Pain Management
    • MRI, Left Knee
    • Carotid Ultrasound
    • Right Upper Quadrant Sonogram
    • Acute Abdominal Series
    • Ultrasound Guided Left Hip Aspiration
    • Whole Body Bone Scan
    • CT of Left Hip

    Medical Transcription Module 10
    Surgical Reports Transcription Practice
    • Oromaxillofacial Surgery
    • Orthopedic Surgery
    • Genitourinary Surgery
    • Plastic Surgery
    • Obstetrics / Gynecology Surgery
    • General Surgery
    • Ophthalmologic Surgery
    • Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery
    • Gastroenterology Surgical Procedure
    • Vascular Surgery
    • Nephrology Surgery
    Upon successful completion of our Medical Transcription course, students will be prepared for an entry-level position doing medical transcription and will be prepared to sit for the AHDI national certification exam to become a Registered Medical Transcriptionist (RMT). Each state may have additional licensing requirements, be sure to research your states requirements for employment by visiting your states occupation board.
    This course provides students with qualified support professionals to guide them through their learning experience. The student support team is available to answer any questions a learner may have including questions on course content, course material, certifications, and registration or enrollment questions. Support advisers also monitor the progress of learners to ensure training retention and program advancement.

    Product Type:
    Course Type:
    Career Training Program
    12 months

      Get the support you need, when you need it

        • Our admissions advisors will help you identify career paths, accredited colleges, and funding solutions
        • Customer & Technical Support is available throughout your course experience via Live Chat, Phone, Email, and Text
        • Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8-5pm CT

      Stay on track to reach your completion goal

        • Scheduling and Time Management assistance tailored just for you
        • Active reminder notifications about important deadlines in your class
        • Join giveaway raffles for achieving course milestones

      Become Job-Ready: Career Training Programs ONLY

        • Take advantage of real-world experience outside of the classroom with an employer-based externship program
        • Work with a career counselor to schedule your certification exam (if applicable)
        • Complete an employer-ready resume with a career coach
        • Participate in live mock interviews and job guidance sessions

      Medical Transcription FAQs

      How do I request more information about a course?

      What is the difference between online courses and classroom courses?

      I'm not sure if I will be able to successfully take on online course, what should I do?

      Do I need a degree or high school diploma to take an online course?

      What do I need to take an online course?

      What format will my online course be in?

      Do I have to be local to take a course?

      Do you offer or accept any financial assistance options?

      What does the course duration mean?

      What does a Certification Voucher Included mean?

      When will I start my course?

      What type of support will I receive during my course?

      Who do I contact if I cannot access my course?

      When will I receive my course materials?

      Who do I contact if I need an extension?

      What do I receive when I complete my course?

      Will I receive any job search assistance or externship opportunity after I finish my course?