Continuing Education
Products 1-12 of 58
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMIS-0924 -
This course, aimed at aspiring supervisors and companies that want to improve their employees' supervisory skills, is designed to help a worker make the transition from individual contributor to a supervisor who oversees the work of others. Self-paced and highly interactive, the course details the fundamental nature of a supervisor's role and the basic management principles that apply to it. It also provides a close look at seven skills that are essential to any supervisor's success: managing...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMC-0924 -
TFrontline managers have many different responsibilities in their role within a business organization. They coordinate work schedules, create and implement action plans, prioritize problem-solving, all while keeping team morale and motivation high. As a frontline manager, you will be responsible for coaching employees to improve their work habits, overcome specific obstacles, or collaborate better with colleagues.In this course you will explore how coaching employees is a vital part of...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMPD-0924 -
Progressive discipline is a process for handling workplace issues by providing opportunities for employees to correct problems through a series of increasingly severe sanctions. Progressive discipline is considered a best practice because it is corrective rather than punitive and tailored to the seriousness of the issue. This course will provide Frontline Managers with the skills necessary to implement and manage an effective progressive discipline program at their organization.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMTM-0924 -
While the specific duties of a frontline manager will vary depending on the industry in which they work, one skill that all frontline managers need to master is time management. Frontline managers need to be skilled at managing both their time and company time. Specifically, successful frontline managers must learn to optimize how their direct reports spend their time to improve efficiency and productivity.In this course, you will learn how to become more effective by employing time management...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMWLB-0924 -
Finding a healthy work-life balance—knowing the right amount of time to devote to your work, to your family, and to yourself—has never been easy, especially for those in managerial positions.This introductory course is meant for frontline managers, or aspiring frontline managers, who recognize work-life balance as a skill and want to improve their ability to create this balance. This course looks at methods and techniques to reconcile work and family. You will also consider the question of...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMBC-0924 -
Almost everything that happens in the workplace requires some form of communication. Frontline managers have to communicate with the workers they supervise, with their colleagues in management, and with their bosses in the executive suite. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is a vital skill for any frontline manager. This course provides a brief introduction to communication theory, but the main emphasis is on practical approaches to communicating in the workplace. Topics...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMNYO-0924 -
No two organizations are the same. Each one has its own distinctive organizational culture: the rules, both written and unwritten, that govern how employees interact and how they do their jobs. Frontline managers play an important role in maintaining their organization's culture. It's up to them to make sure the people they supervise are aware of the values, norms, and customs that define their workplace. This course is designed to help new managers understand and adapt to the culture of their...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-FMTG-0924 -
Managing a team or group requires a different approach to managing individuals and a skillset appropriate for the unique challenges groups and teams present. In this course, we'll distinguish between teams and groups, and explore the ways that both are used in modern business. You'll learn to recognize how teams come together and make decisions. This course will help new managers build a good team, empower it, resolve conflicts within it and how to jumpstart the team's creativity.View Course...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-TAXPREP-US-1024 -
"Our 2024 Tax Preparation Course is designed to give you the knowledge needed to fulfill IRS requirements and give you a basic understanding of tax law and practice to ensure you serve your clients with the highest quality. This study material has been organized to give line-by-line instructions for Form 1040. Our proprietary Professional Training System,, combines traditional textbook courses with online interactive questions and Practice Tax Returns (PTR). Each chapter in the...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-TAXAFTR-US-1024 -
The 2024 Annual Federal Tax Refresher (AFTR) course is intended to prepare the individual for the 2025 filing season. . This course covers the latest tax law changes and current tax issues, as well as practice and professional responsibility. This course follows the 3 domains that are set annually by the IRS. They include: New Tax Law/Recent Updates, General Review, and Practices, Procedures, and Professional ResponsibilityPTRs are in PDF format and include links to the necessary forms to...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-TAX60-CA-1024 -
"This course meets the 2024 60-hour qualifying education requirement imposed by the state of California to become a tax preparer. This course has been approved by the California Tax Education Council Vendor #2080.This course contains 13 Chapters; after each chapter, the student will complete online review questions and a Practice Tax Return (PTR). PTR’s are based on the course content that has been covered so far and will have its own set of review questions. Returns that use the Schedule A...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WE-TAX20-CA-1024 -
"The 2024 CTEC 20 Hour Continuing Education renewal course fulfills the 20-hour CTEC requirement for CRTPs who have already completed 60 hours of Qualifying Education. This course is divided into four parts: Ethics, Federal Tax Law, Updates, and California Tax Law. Each part contains a final; the final must be passed with a 70% or higher.